Climate & Inclusion
“There is a safety…a love…a sense of respect that must be in place before learning can happen.” - Gwendolyn in Goode, K., 2014, p. 80

“Many described a sense of “other,” which included oppression, invisibility, and feeling alone. These often painful experiences, both in educational institutions and in clinical practice, had left a lasting legacy for many.”
The Hidden Curriculum shapes school climate
Addressing Whiteness in Nursing Education: The Sociopolitical Climate Project at the UW School of Nursing
Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions, and Campus Racial Climate for Latina/o Undergraduates. Harvard Educational Review, 79(4), 659-691. Yosso, Smith, Ceja & Solórzano, 2009)
*See also Microaggressions & Education
Case Study UC Berkeley: A compelling data-driven story galvanizes action on improving campus climate:
"Racial/ethnic groups differ on how they view climate for themselves compared to other groups. In particular, non-African Americans overestimate the level of respect toward African Americans." p. 69
Nine Themes in Campus Racial Climates and Implications for Institutional Transformation
(Harper & Hurtado, 2007) >>>
The Racial Justice Report Card evaluates medical schools on their progress towards creating an anti-racist climate
The Five Dimensions that shape campus climate and affect to what degree diversity efforts will lead to educational benefits for students
LGBT and queer research in higher education: The state and status of the field. (Renn, 2010)
2010 state of higher education for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people. (Rankin, Weber, Blumenfeld & Frazer, 2010)
Teaching Tolerance blog for educators
9 CECE Indicators that represent the characteristics of optimally inclusive and equitable campus environments that allow diverse populations to thrive in higher ed
At the University of Washington School of Nursing (SON), 8 faculty and staff climate workshop participants were:
Encouraged to "become more effective change agents, able to work both individually and collectively to change the climate of whiteness at the SON." Schroeder & DiAngelo, 2010, p. 249) and
Taught "how to use innovation-diffusion methods to create and implement a series of 'action plans.'
See Examples >>>
"Student perceptions of an institution's commitment decrease reports of discrimination & bias." See climate-related excerpts from Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Key Data Highlights Focusing on Race and Ethnicity and Promising Practices (USDE 2016)
Effland, K. J., & Hays, K. Beyond cultural competence: Equity and social justice in midwifery education. Midwifery Matters, 5(2), 11-17.
Five Policy Areas of Focus to enhance the psychological dimension of the campus racial climate and create an environment supportive of cross-racial interaction, and cultural exploration and affirmation, irrespective of a student’s race or ethnicity. (pp.22-25)
Excerpts from Harper and Hurtado (2007) on Implications for Institutional Transformation based on 15 years of campus climate research (pp.19-21)
Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care Certificate a program of Ohio State University College of Nursing
Effland, K. J., & Hays, K. (2018). A web-based resource for promoting equity in midwifery education and training: Towards meaningful diversity and inclusion. Midwifery, 61, 70-73.
Recommendations for Supporting Trans and Queer Students of Color. (Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, 2016)
LGBT Challenges in Higher Education Today: 5 Core Principles for Success (Trammell, 2014)
LGBT Issues in Higher Education Guide (American Library Association, 2016)
We Hold These Truths
Dismantling Racial Hierarchies, Building Equitable Communities (Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2020)
VIDEO: Achieving Health Equity: Tools for a National Campaign Against Racism (UC Berkeley, 2016)
"Students report it is important that they see themselves reflected in the faculty and curriculum to which they are exposed to create a sense of belonging and inclusiveness." USDE 2016, p. 37
Bridging the research to practice gap: Achieving mission-driven diversity and inclusion goals. A Review of Research Findings and Policy Implications for Colleges and Universities. (Taylor, Milem & Coleman, 2016)
TIP: "Ctrl-F" within the document and search for the word "climate."
Developed and institutionalized a more explicit, inclusive, and comprehensive statement of diversity at the School of Nursing.
Topic of racism/antiracism became a standing agenda item at monthly Academic Services (AS) meetings; rotating AS staff members were responsible for leading short discussions on the topic.
AS instituted a policy that provided work release time for staff to attend campus and School of Nursing (SON) Diversity Committee meetings.
AS funded several staff members to attend the highly transformative Un-Doing Racism workshop offered by The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond.
The GRE requirement for graduate admission was eliminated as part of the action plan to eliminate admissions barriers to underrepresented persons.
The climate group actions became better integrated with the SON Diversity Committee.
Created a new online, graduate level antiracism course for the school based on the climate project curriculum.
2019 -2020 Diversity Calendar by Cultures Connecting, LLC
"Exclusion occurs most often in classrooms, work spaces, and public spaces. p. 70
"One in four survey respondents personally experienced exclusionary behavior from others such as harassment or intimidation. For marginalized groups such as African Americans, as many as two in five experienced exclusionary behavior." p. 69
(Case Study UC Berkeley)
Research findings on Campus Racial Climates that have been published since 1992 can be divided into three categories:
Differential Perceptions of Campus Climate by Race
Minority Student Reports of Prejudicial Treatment and Racist Campus Environments
Benefits Associated with Campus Climates That Facilitate Cross-Racial Engagement
A Multi-campus Qualitative Study of Racial Climates reveals nine common racial realities across institutions:
Cross-Race Consensus Regarding Institutional Negligence
Race as a Four-Letter Word and an Avoidable Topic
Self-Reports of Racial Segregation
Gaps in Social Satisfaction by Race
Reputational Legacies for Racism
White Student Overestimation of Minority Student Satisfaction
The Pervasiveness of Whiteness in Space, Curricula, and Activities
The Consciousness-Powerlessness Paradox among Racial/Ethnic Minority Staff
Unexplored Qualitative Realities of Race in Institutional Assessment