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Use this Equity Agenda Guideline as a Resource to map out a plan or brainstorm some next steps for your school or clinic as you seek to transform your learning environments
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Narrative Description of this site

System Strengthening & Capacity Building

The resources on this site can be used individually, but the site is also designed to present an overarching picture of the many areas where your school and/or clinic would need to focus to infuse equity throughout your program.
See also Equity Agenda Guideline
Make a commitment to what you plan to accomplish in the next
1 month
6 months
12 months
Plan to:
Cultivate your own learning,
growth and reflection
Promote equity and social justice
at your school or clinic
Your commitment doesn't have to be big, but plan to do something and follow-through with your plan.
Reach out and CONNECT if you get stuck.
Share this resource or a few specific ones with your school faculty, administrators and staff and let them know how important an equity focus is to you.
Encourage your classmates to make specific requests in their course and program evaluations. You can use this site to find ideas for where your institution or previous clinic site(s) could improve.