Incorporating Antiracism Coursework into a Cultural Competency Curriculum
Curriculum Tools for Discussing Race & Racism in Midwifery
Infusing Equity & Diversity into Clinical Teaching
INSIGHT: Women of Color Need Courageous Allies in the Academy
Reflecting on Equity in Perinatal Care During a Pandemic
*ACNM & MEAC CEUs available through HiveCE
**Midwives who are underrepresented in the profession can obtain CEUs at no charge

Conversations in Black & White: Strategies for Advancing Birth Equity
Presenters: Kaprice Welsh, CNM, MSN, MPH & Lauren Nunally, MPH, BSN, RNC-OB

Now Available directly from Hakima:

Teaching in these Times: Health Disparities and COVID-19
Presenter: Dr. Charlotte Morris, DNP, CNM, FACNM

Meeting Student Needs: Strategies for Access & Success Across the Student Life Cycle
Presenters: Tamara Taitt, MS, LMFT, LM & Kristi-Ridd Young, BS, ICCE
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Supporting Indigenous Midwifery Students: A discussion on cultural safety within midwifery education
Presenter: Rhonda Lee Grantham ~ Center for Indigenous Midwifery
FLYER for more info

Presenters: Cynthia Belew, CNM, WHNP-C, MS & Byronna Mathews, RN, BSN, Student Midwife
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Curriculum Tools for Discussing Race & Racism in Midwifery
Presenters: Kim Q. Dau, RN, MS, CNM, Brittany Edwards RN, SNM & Leandra Santos MSN, CNM
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Incorporating Antiracism Coursework into a Cultural Competency Curriculum
Presenters: Wendy M. Gordon, CPM, LM, MPH and Safiya A. U. McCarter, ND, MSAOM
*MEAC CEUs available now through HIVE!
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Infusing Equity & Diversity into Clinical Teaching
Presenter: Karline Wilson-Mitchell, DNP, MSN, CNM, RM, RN
*ACNM & MEAC CEUs available now through HIVE!
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