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New to Equity? Where To Start


You Might Start Here

As a white educator, it can feel overwhelming and upsetting to learn more about the impact of racism and inequity on our students and in our classrooms and clinics.   

The first step is to avoid being paralyzed by fear and guilt so you can learn to:

  1. SEE inequity

  2. BELIEVE the stories of marginalized students & apprentices

  3. ACT to promote equity and social justice

If you are learning about some of these concepts for the first time, don't be afraid to begin slow, but DO BEGIN and DON’T STOP challenging yourself to LEARN MORE

Anchor 1


Commit to reading and watching the many available Resources.  It only takes ONE-AT-A-TIME to begin learning more:​​​

Resources on this topic are plentiful, but white midwifery educators must commit time and effort to the process of

un-learning dominant cultural narratives

we have been taught our entire lives.  The process of this

learning and unlearning is a lifelong commitment.  

It will not always be easy, but it is important. 

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